Long Distance Off-Season: The Talk We Were Supposed to Have

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

On this edition of Long Distance Off-Season: Gabe has always felt distant from his parents. But things change when he moves back home to Allentown, Pennsylvania to work at a Filipino festival and to donate a kidney to his father.

The story in this episode is produced by Self Evident, a podcast that challenges the narratives of where we come from, where we belong, and where we're going — by telling Asian America's stories. Listen to Self Evident here. View photos and show notes from the story on their show website.

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Show Notes

The story in this episode was produced by Self Evident, a podcast that challenges the narratives of where we come from, where we belong, and where we're going — by telling Asian America's stories. Learn more about the show here. View photos and show notes here.

Long Distance is written, mixed, hosted, and produced by Paola Mardo.

This story was produced by James Boo and Gabriel Mara. Edited by Cheryl Devall and Julia Shu. Production support and fact checking by Katherine Jinyi Li. Sound engineering by Timothy Lou Ly.

Music by Blue Dot Sessions and Epidemic Sound. Sound effects by Soundsnap.

Self Evident is a Studiotobe production. Season 1 is presented by the Center for Asian American Media (CAAM), the Ford Foundation, and Self Evident’s listener community. Their show was incubated at the Made in New York Media Center by IFP. You can listen to Self Evident wherever you get your podcasts, and learn more about their show at selfevidentshow.com.

About CAAM: CAAM (Center for Asian American Media) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to presenting stories that convey the richness and diversity of Asian American experiences to the broadest audience possible. CAAM does this by funding, producing, distributing, and exhibiting works in film, television, and digital media. For more information on CAAM, please visit www.caamedia.org. With support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, CAAM provides production funding to independent producers who make engaging Asian American works for public media.

Cover art is by Celina Calma.
Title design by Paola Mardo.

Music (in Long Distance sections only)
Theme Song is “Comin’ Along” by C. Light and the Prisms. Excerpts from the following songs were used in throughout the episode:
Slow Strutt — Blue Dot Sessions
Assembly Line Work — Dee Yan Key

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