Episode #16 Calls from the Frontlines
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Conversations with healthcare workers on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic and a call with The Park’s Finest co-owners Christine Araquel and Johneric Concordia about the Feed the Frontliners Project.
It’s the final episode of the second season of Long Distance so Paola and Patrick have a chat and we hear from you, our listeners, on how you’re doing at this time.
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Show Notes
TheParksFinest.com: Feed the Frontliners Project
Support LA’s Filipino Small Businesses
Support the ID - Community ID
This episode was written, mixed, and hosted by Paola Mardo, and edited and produced by Patrick Epino and Paola Mardo.
This season of Long Distance is produced with support from PRX and the Google Podcasts creator program, donors on PayPal, and Patreon members, supporters, and ambassadors.
Special thanks to Catherine Ceniza Choy, Pamela Mardo, Paolo Villacarlos, everyone who called in or responded to our call for frontliners, and Paola's parents.
Music in this episode is by Blue Dot Sessions. Theme Song is by C. Light and the Prisms.
Louver — Blue Dot Sessions
Scallat — Blue Dot Sessions
San Diego Sunday — Blue Dot Sessions
Doghouse — Blue Dot Sessions
An Opus in AB — Blue Dot Sessions
Lupi — Blue Dot Sessions
Cover art by Celina Calma
Title design by Paola Mardo
Photo of AJ, a nurse at a community hospital intensive care unit in New Jersey. He talks about this photo in the episode. Photo courtesy of AJ.