Episode #12: Larry Itliong and the Great Delano Grape Strike
Thursday, February 13, 2020
At 15, Larry Itliong came to America with a dream. His plans changed when he learned the truth about his new home. In 1965, he led Filipino farmworkers in a historic fight for their rights.
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For more information about Journey for Justice: The Life of Larry Itliong, visit BridgeDelta.com. A percentage of proceeds from this book will be donated to the nonprofit organizations Little Manila Rising and the Filipino American National Historical Society.
To watch Delano Manongs: The Forgotten Heroes of the United Farm Workers, visit PBS.org and check out the Facebook Page.
Long Distance TV: Trip to Delano
We visited the historic sites of Delano, California. Here are some things we saw.

Show Notes
This episode was written, edited, mixed, and hosted by Paola Mardo. Long Distance is produced by Paola Mardo and Patrick Epino. Long Distance TV is directed, edited, shot, and produced by Patrick Epino, and hosted, written, and produced by Paola Mardo.
This season of Long Distance is produced with support from PRX and the Google Podcasts creator program, donors on PayPal, and Patreon members, supporters, and ambassadors. Music in this episode is by Blue Dot Sessions. Theme Song is by C. Light and the Prisms.
Special thanks to Gayle Romasanta, Paloma Concordia, Marissa Aroy, John Armington, Dillon Delvo and Debra Louie of Little Manila Rising, and Samanta Helou Hernandez.
Rate Sheet — Blue Dot Sessions
Rabbit Hole — Blue Dot Sessions
Union Hall Melody — Blue Dot Sessions
Georgia Overdrive — Blue Dot Sessions
The Molerat — Blue Dot Sessions
On Early Light — Blue Dot Sessions
Comin’ Along — C. Light and the Prisms
Cover art by Celina Calma
Title design by Paola Mardo
Photos by Patrick Epino and Paola Mardo
Journey for Justice: The Life of Larry Itliong by Dawn Bohulano Mabalon with Gayle Romasanta, illustrated by Andre Sibayan
Philip Vera Cruz: A Personal History of Filipino Immigrants and the Farmworkers Movement by Philip Vera Cruz, Lilia Villanueva, Craig Scharlin
Little Manila Is in the Heart: The Making of the Filipina/o American Community in Stockton, California by Dawn Bohulano Mabalon
Long Road to Delano by Sam Kushner
America is in the Heart by Carlos Bulosan
The New York Times: A Leader of Farmworkers, and Filipinos’ Place in American History by Jill Cowan
History.com: When Millions of Americans Stopped Eating Grapes in Support of Farm Workers by Adam Janos
The Los Angeles Times: 50 years ago, Cesar Chavez led a crusade to unite and empower farmworkers by Miriam Pawel
NPR: Grapes of Wrath: The Forgotten Filipinos Who Led A Farmworker Revolution by Lisa Morehouse
The New York Times: Forgotten Hero of Labor Fight; His Son’s Lonely Quest by Patricia Leigh Brown
The New York Times: 26 Grape Growers Sign Union Accord; Boycott Nears End by Steven V. Roberts
UFW.org: UFW History
Huelga (1965), Dir: Mark J. Harris
Manong (1978), Dir: Linda Mabalot (including unaired footage and interviews provided by the archive at Visual Communications)
Delano Manongs: Forgotten Heroes of the United Farm Workers (2014), Dir: Marissa Aroy
Walter P. Reuther Library: Dawn Mabalon on UFW labor organizer Larry Itliong - Part 1
Walter P. Reuther Library: Dawn Mabalon on UFW labor organizer Larry Itliong - Part 2
Asian Americana: Dawn Mabalon is in the Heart
Research and Archives:
Little Manila Rising
Visual Communications